During July this year there were just over 15,000 calls from members the public across Somerset to the police. Out of those, 5 were `tagged’ or marked from Neighbourhood Watch schemes from various towns across the county. Reports ranged from suspicious incidents to anti social behaviour.
Below figures relate to the Exmoor beat area (AW050)
104 calls from your beat area
21 were listed as crimes, including:
1 Assault
0 Assault on Police
1 dwelling burglary (+ 0 attempt)
1 Non dwelling burglary (+ 1 attempt)
1 criminal damage – property
2 criminal damage – vehicles
2 theft from motor vehicles
1 theft of motor vehicle
1 theft of pedal cycles
0 theft from shops
remainder miscellaneous
Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) – 6 reports across the beat. Reports include noise issues, drunk persons,
Coffee with Cops dates:
29 August at Porlock Library, 10.30-11.30am
8 September, Homecook Café, Porlock (10.30-11.30am) – refreshments not provided
If you have information about suspicious incidents or activity please telephone the police on the general number 101 – always ask the call handler to mark, or tag, your call Neighbourhood Watch.