The Emergency Services will have a joint stand at this year’s Royal Bath & West Show between 31 May and 3 June located adjacent to the `purple gate’. If you are attending the show do pop in, we will be pleased to see you.


Below figures relate to the Exmoor beat area:

115 calls from your beat area
29 were listed as crimes, including:
1 Assault
0 Assault on Police
5 dwelling burglary (+ 1 attempt)
1 Non dwelling burglary (+ 1 attempt)
5 criminal damage – property
2 criminal damage – vehicles
3 theft from motor vehicles
0 theft of motor vehicle
0 theft of pedal cycles
0 theft from shops
Remainder Miscellaneous

Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) – 5 reports across the beat – relating to noise nuisance, motor bikes in a quarry.

Beat Surgeries:

10 May, St Dubriscius primary school 10.30-11.30am
11 May, The Old Dairy, Timberscombe, 10.30-11.30am

If you have information about suspicious incidents or activity please telephone the police on the general number 101 – always ask the call handler to mark, or tag, your call Neighbourhood Watch.